Diep Emosionele Bid Terapie


Diep Emosionele Bid Terapie


  • Openings Gebed
  • Diep Emosionele Gebed Terapie
  • Watter gesag het jy?
  • Die Enigheid
  • Dit is jy
  • Gees
  • Siel
  • Liggaam
  • God Die Vader
  • God Die Seun
  • Anti Christus
  • Klein horing
  • God is Skuldig
  • Vrees
  • Verwerping
  • Vergifnis
  • Generasie Erfenis
  • Generasie Vloeke
  • In Utero
  • Veelvuldige en/gesplete persoonlikhede/Gedissosieerde identiteit versteuring
  • Siel kopie/gevange geeste
  • SRM sataniese ritualistiese mishandeling Programering
  • Monargie programmering
  • Nuwe wêreld orde
  • Sataniese simbole gebruik vir programmering
  • Ley Lyne
  • Sataniese koninkryk hiërargie
  • Demone
  • Breingolwe
  • Die brein en denke
  • Trauma
  • Omgewing en omstandighede van die terapie sessie
  • Begin van die sessie
  • Oë altyd gesluit
  • Sop
  • Death- the Great Beyond
  • Death – the Physical Process of Dying
  • Death- Grieving
  • Immune System and Unforgiveness
  • Masterbation
  • Bloodline Curses & Contracts
  • Statan’s Seed
  • Demons- Origen
  • Demons – the Watchers
  • Difference Between Entities
  • Leviathan
  • Ahab
  • Jezebel
  • Jezebel and Ahab Origin
  • Jezebel Amd Ahab Destructive Areas
  • Jezebel and Ahab Deliverance
  • Atalliah- Holistic Effect on Lives
  • Atalliah- Demonic Structure of Stronghold
  • Atalliah- Five Spiritual Chords
  • Atalliah- Renunciation Prayer
  • Soul Cpopies Explcained
  • Soul Copies – Re Incarnation
  • Soul Copies – Holistic Understanding
  • Queen of Heaven – Origen
  • Queen of Heaven – Entry Point
  • Queen of Heaven – Stategies
  • Queen of Heaven – Around the World
  • Queen of Heaven – Moon Cycles
  • Queen of Heaven – the Virgen
  • Queen of Heaven – the Mother
  • Queen of Heaven – the Crone
  • Kundalini
  • Attention Deficit an Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Dissosiative Identity Disorder
  • Incubus and Succubus
  • Pharmakeia
  • Release Trauma Trapped in the Body
  • How the Apsotels Died
  • Satanic Calender
  • Blessings,blood and Demon Names
  • Ishtar (Easter)
  • Christmas
Learning Location

Online Learning, Distance Learning


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