She is a woman—a force of nature—wearing countless hats. She is a mother, financial provider, emotional support system, motivator, educator, spiritual leader, protector, and disciplinarian. Yet, despite her resilience, she often feels set up to fail.
Her time is divided among her husband, children, work or business responsibilities, friends, teachers, church functions, birthday parties, cleaning, cooking, and managing her household. She scolds children lovingly and consoles them tirelessly. Her days are a blur of obligations, yet she pushes through, hoping to hold it all together.

The Weight of Financial Responsibility On A Single Mother
Bills, groceries, school fees, and unexpected expenses rest heavily on her shoulders. She works tirelessly—whether in an office or running a business—and is often the primary or sole financial contributor. When creditors call, she is the one who answers. Budgets are made and broken as new financial burdens appear, often without her input. Her husband might splurge on luxuries without consulting her, leaving her to pick up the pieces.

The Emotional Backbone
She listens attentively to the troubles of her husband and children, offering advice, hugs, and reassurance. Her touch is the balm that soothes and heals. Yet, she is the one who rises in the night to comfort sick children, the one who ensures the house feels like a home.
Criticism from her husband and extended family stings, yet she presses on. Her cooking is compared to others, and takeout meals are chosen over her home-cooked efforts. She tutors the children, attends parent meetings alone, and sacrifices her own time to ensure they succeed. Her efforts fade into the background, unnoticed and unappreciated.
The Spiritual Guide
Morals and spiritual guidance often rest on her shoulders. She instils values and teaches right from wrong. Yet, her efforts are belittled and mocked by her husband, who points out every misstep she makes. Still, she presses on, hoping to shape her children’s character despite the opposition.
The Burden of Discipline On A Single Mother
She is the disciplinarian, often seen as the mean one, while dad plays the fun role. Her attempts to balance love and boundaries leave her exhausted and misunderstood.

The Sacrifice of Self
She voices her dissatisfaction—pleading, demanding, and even threatening—to be heard and supported. But her cries fall on deaf ears. Over time, she neglects herself, prioritizing everyone else’s needs. She shops sales, alters oversized clothes, and forgets how to care for her own appearance.
Despite years of sacrifice, she believes the words whispered to her: “You are nothing without me. You will fail without me.” And so, she stays. Her children remain her focus, though they may grow to undervalue or even resent her. Her exhaustion is mistaken for bitterness, and her sacrifices go unseen.
The Aftermath
Years pass. Her children grow up and move on, and her husband drifts away to others of his choosing. If she has any strength left, she starts to rebuild her life, piece by piece. Yet, her door always remains open for those in need of her love and care.
She has learned too late that power often lies with those who care the least. Her love, devotion, and selflessness gave others power over her. But even in the aftermath, she remains a giver, unable to turn away from those who need her.

A Call for Understanding
The married single mother is one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated individuals in the world. She is not bitter—she is exhausted. She is not mean—she is overwhelmed. Her story is one of sacrifice, resilience, and silent heroism.
To those who see her, acknowledge her. To those who depend on her, appreciate her. And to the married single mother herself—take a moment, breathe, and remember that your worth is not defined by the approval of others but by the immeasurable love and strength you give every d
The story of the single mother is one of strength, love, and resilience. She gives endlessly, often at her own expense, shaping the lives around her with dedication. It’s time we acknowledge her sacrifices, offer our support, and remind her that her worth is far greater than she imagines.
I began my journey as a lay counselor in 2002, driven by a deep passion for helping the brokenhearted. This passion led me to establish Mustard Seed Tree—an organization dedicated to prioritizing mental health and emotional healing. My academic qualifications include: PhD Thesis – Healing Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse Doctoral Thesis – Co-Dependency or Empath Emotional Disorder Master’s Degree Thesis – Narcissistic Personality Disorder Bachelor’s Degree – Christian Counselling I believe that the truth has the power to break cycles of abuse, neglect, and failure. Traumatic experiences often plant deeply rooted, lie-based beliefs in the subconscious mind, shaped by childhood trauma or indoctrination. Healing begins by facing the trauma, identifying the lies believed in those moments, and replacing them with factual truth. This process rewires the mind, eliminating the need for coping mechanisms and paving the way for a life of freedom, fulfilment, and abundance. You survived the experience, you will survive remembering it. Let’s take the journey toward lasting healing.
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